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The Survey:- Soil Descriptions

The Survey-Soil Descriptions:

Horotiu Silt Loam:

Bruntwood Soils:

The topsoil of the Horotiu silt loam has a loamy silt texture, with the subsoil having very fine to coarse loamy sand and loamy silt textures.

Horotiu Silt Loam: Survey


The Horotiu silt loam was identified using auger descriptions, consistently has sand and gravely material present above 60 cm with no other variants of this soil being present in the survey area. 

Horotiu Silt Loam: Soil Description

Soil Description:

The topsoil of the Horotiu silt loam has a loamy silt texture, with the subsoil having very fine to coarse loamy sand and loamy silt textures. 

Gravel is also present in most of the profiles of this soil, as fine to coarse gravel has been observed in the soil. 

Horotiu Silt Loam: Soil Location

Soil Location:

The Horotiu silt loam is found in areas of flat to gently undulating land, and is found to exist on levees or low ridges that are a common feature in the Waikato Basin. 

The levees have formed through the deposition of alluvium, with silt over sand or gravely sand making up the parent materials of this soil. 

The Horotiu silt loam is found in areas that are slightly raised or elevated. This means that the soil is well drained and is not susceptible to damage due to problems such as pugging.

Horotiu Silt Loam: Technical Details

Technical Details:

The Horotiu silt loam has a mineral topsoil (Ap horizon), with the colour 10YR 3/3 being the most common colour of this horizon. 

The subsoil (B, Bw, BC and C horizons) of the Horotiu silt loam contains colours that are mainly of the hue 10YR, but 2.5Y and 7.5 YR colours have been described. 

The range in the subsoil colour values is 3 to 7, with the range in chromas being 3 to 8.

Some mottling does occur in the subsoil, with few to abundant, and microfine to coarse sized mottles are present in the described profiles. 

The mottles that have been seen in the profiles have the hues of 10YR, 7.5YR and 5YR, with the range in colour values being 5 to 8 and the range in chromas is from 6 to 8.

Horotiu Silt Loam:

Horotiu Silt Loam

Bruntwood Soils:

Bruntwood soils have a loamy silt texture topsoil, with loamy silt subsoil, very fine to coarse loamy sand, silty clay and silt loam textures.
Bruntwood Soils

Bruntwood Soils: Survey


Both the Bruntwood silt loam and Bruntwood silt loam, pale subsoil variant, are present in the survey area. 

These soils have formed on weathered alluvial material that consists of silts over sands. 

Both of the Bruntwood soils have been found in small depressions that are present in the landscape where the Horotiu silt loam occurs. 

In some areas the presence of the Bruntwood soils in these depressions, has been mapped out as a separate unit.  But there are still possibly some areas where a small amount of either Bruntwood soil exists within the Horotiu silt loam, that have not been mapped out. 

Mainly, the three soils were not able to be mapped out separately as they occurred together, but two units of the pale subsoil variant were able to be made separate from the Bruntwood silt loam.with no other variants of this soil being present in the survey area. 

Bruntwood Soils: Soil Description

Soil Description:

The Bruntwood soils have a topsoil that has a loamy silt texture, with the subsoil having loamy silt, very fine to coarse loamy sand, silty clay (auger descriptions 102, 108, 117) and silt loam (auger description 113) textures. 

Only some of the Bruntwood soil profiles contain gravel, with fine to coarse sized gravel being seen. 

The presence of the pale subsoil variant is an indication of areas of imperfect or poor drainage near the surface, as the Bruntwood silt loam is generally a moderately well drained soil.

Bruntwood Soils: Soil Location

Soil Location:

The Bruntwood silt loam and pale subsoil variant, is found on the sides of levees, or in depressions, with the soil having a topographically lower position than the Horotiu silt loam.

Bruntwood Soils: Technical Details

Technical Details:

The topsoil is a mineral horizon (Ap horizon) and is commonly coloured 10YR 3/2 or 3/3, with the subsoil (B, Bw, B(g), Br, Cr, C, and Cg horizons) having 10YR 6/4, 6/6 and 7/2 as its common colours. 

The subsoil has a range in colour values of 3 to 8, with the range in the chromas being I to 8.

Pale, low chroma colours above 60 cm ( e.g. 10YR 7/2) indicates an area of poor drainage, the drainage of this soil can vary over a relatively short distance of a few metres.

The two soils also have mottles present, with few to abundant, and microfine to coarse sized mottles seen in the described profiles. 

Both of the Bruntwood soils have mottle colours of the hues 10YR, 7.5 YR and 5YR, with the range in the values and chromas being 4 to 8 and 6 to 8 respectively.

Te Kowhai Soils:

There are three soils from the Te Kowhai Series that are present in the survey area.  Te Kowhai silt loam, Te Kowhai humic silt loam, Te Kowhai brown variant.
Te Kowhai silt loam

Te Kowhai Soils: Survey


The subsoil of both of the Te Kowhai soils generally have loamy silt, very fine to coarse loamy sand, silt loam and silty clay textures.

Gravel material is also existing in the profiles of the Te Kowhai soils, as mainly fine to medium sized gravel was seen, but some profiles have coarse gravel is present (auger descriptions 88 and 84). 

The lower subsoil (Cr, Cg, C(g) and C horizons) of these two soils tends to be the same, with the colour 10YR 7/2 and loamy sand textures are common to both soils.

Te Kowhai Soils: Soil Description

Soil Description:

There are three soils from the Te Kowhai Series that are present in the survey area:
  Te Kowhai silt loam
  Te Kowhai humic silt loam
  Te Kowhai, brown variant.

The Te Kowhai brown variant is a common sod in the survey area, with its duller colours separating it from similar soils, such as the Te Rapa humic silt loam or the Bruntwood silt loam. 

The pale brown colours in the upper subsoil of the Te Kowhai, brown subsoil variant, are what makes this soil different to the Te Kowhai silt loam.

The parent material of these soils is alluvium that is made up of silts over sands.

Te Kowhai Soils: Soil Location

Soil Location:

The landscape position of the Te Kowhai soils are in swales which occur at the toe of the slope of a levee or low ridge, in an area of flat to gently undulating land. 

The drainage of the Te Kowhai soils means that they are susceptible to pugging in the winter, when the soil is saturated with water as it cannot drain away.

Te Kowhai Soils: Technical Details

Technical Details:

Colours such as 10YR 6/4, 7/3 and 2.5YR 7/4, are common to the brown subsoil variant profiles. 

These colours are thought to have been produced due to humic staining of the subsoil occurring. 

The humic topsoil (Ah horizon) of the Te Kowhai silt loam and the brown subsoil variant is usually coloured 10YR 2/2 and has a loamy silt or silt loam texture. 

The mineral topsoil (Ap horizon) of both of these soils mainly having the colours 10YR 3/2 and 3/3, and the subsoil (Bw, Bg, Br and C horizons) has a range in colour values of 3 to 8 and a range in chromas of I to 4.

The mottle colours have hues mostly of 10YR, 7.5YR and 5YR, but some 2.5Y colours have been seen.  The mottle colours have a range in values of 4 to 7 and a range in chromas of 6 to 8.

Mottling occurs in all of the Te Kowhai soil profiles recorded, as abundance's of few to profuse, and microfine to coarse sized mottles have been seen.  The mottling present in these soil is due to the soils being a group of poorly drained soils, with the mottles, or redox segregations, forming due to the soil being wet in the winter and dry in the summer.

Te Kowhai Soils:

Te Kowhai silt loam
Te Kowhai humic silt loam
Te Kowhai, brown variant

Te Rapa Soils:

The main soil type is the Te Rapa humic or peaty silt loam, with the other soils in the Series being variations of this soil.
Te Rapa Peat

Te Rapa Soils: Survey


The survey area also contains all four soil types of the Te Rapa Series, with these soils having both a peaty and humic topsoil.

Fine to coarse gravel is also present in most of the Te Rapa soil profiles throughout the subsoil (Bw, Bs, C, C(g), Cg, and Cr horizons), and can be found in different quantities as some profiles have only a small percentage of fine gravel present. 

The main criteria that enables the different variants of the Te Rapa Series to be identified separates the soils out by using the depths to and presence of white or light grey colours and sand or gravel in a profile (Refer to Section One Table). 

The Te Rapa soils tend to occur as inclusions within the mapped units of their own soils, which can be seen with the Te Rapa silt loam being present within units of the brown subsoil variant and shallow brown variant (auger descriptions 51, 60, 13).

Te Rapa Soils: Soil Description

Soil Description:

The main soil type is the Te Rapa humic or peaty silt loam, with the other soils in the Series being variations of this soil. 

These variants are: Te Rapa, shallow brown subsoil variant; Te Rapa, brown subsoil variant; Te Rapa, pale subsoil variant. 

The areas where the topsoil is peaty (Oh horizon) or humic (Ah horizon) can be seen clearly on the survey map, with the soils with a peaty top being positioned closer to the deeper peat soils (e.g. Kaipaki Peat) and peat swamps, which occur north of the farm. 

The Te Rapa soils have different drainage types, as the Te Rapa peaty and humic silt loam's are moderately well drained soils, and the brown and shallow brown subsoil variants are both well drained soils.

Te Rapa Soils: Soil Location

Soil Location:

The Te Rapa soils formed on weathered alluvial material of the Hinuera Formation, this material contains silts over sands and gravel's.  The amount of sand and gravel that is present in these soils is what determines the drainage of the soils.  The soils are found on flat to gently undulating surface and form on low ridges or mounds of alluvial material. 

Loamy sand to sandy textures are common among the Te Rapa soils, with these textures usually occurring in the lower subsoil, but in some cases they can be found in the upper subsoil (e.g. auger descriptions 50, 53, and 62).  There are also some locations where the Te Rapa peaty and humic silt loam, pale subsoil variant occurs (auger descriptions 5, 36, 57), an imperfectly drained soil, which is reflected in the mottles present in its profile.

Te Rapa Soils: Technical Details

Technical Details:

The main colours seen in the described profiles of the Te Rapa Series soils, for both peaty and humic topsoil were 10YR 2/1 and 2/2. 

The subsoil colours for the Te Rapa soils have generally the same range of chromas of 2 to 6 and values of 2 to 8, with 10YR being the most common hue present, but 2.5Y, 7.5YR and 5YR colours have been recorded. 

The Te Rapa soils have similar mottle abundance's, sizes, and colours.  The Te Rapa peaty and humic silt loam's have few to abundant mottles that have sizes from fine to coarse. 

These two soils also have mottle colours of the hues 10YR, 5YR, 7.5YR and 2.5Y, with a range in values of 4 to 7, and a range in chromas of 4 to 8.

The brown subsoil variant has few to profuse mottles present that vary from microfine to coarse in size.  The colours of the mottles of this variant have hues of 10YR, 5YR, 7.5YR and 2.5Y, and a range in values of 3 to 8 and chromas of 2 to 8.

The shallow brown subsoil variant has few to abundant mottles that have sizes from microfine to coarse.  These mottles have colours that range in values of 3 to 8 and chromas of 2 to 8, with the hues 10YR, 7.5YR, 5YR and 2.5Y being present. 

The pale subsoil variant has mottles that are few to common in abundance and microfine to fine in size.  This soil has mottle colours of the hues 10YR, 7.5YR and 5YR, that have a range in values of 3 to 6 with chromas of 4 and 8 existing in the profiles.

Matangi Silt Loam:

Has both a humic and mineral topsoil that have loamy silt textures, with the peaty and humic topsoil occurring like the Te Rapa soils.
Matangi Silt Loam

Matangi Silt Loam: Survey


Matangi Silt Loam: Soil Description

Soil Description:

The Matangi soil has both a humic (Ah horizon) and mineral (Ap horizon) topsoil that have loamy silt textures, with the peaty and humic topsoil occurring like the Te Rapa soils. 

The subsoil (B, Bw, BC, B(g), Bg, C, Cr, and Cg horizons) has a range of textures, as the upper subsoil tends to be a loamy silt and the lower subsoil usually has loamy sand and sandy textures. 
Gravel is present in the subsoil of this soil, as fine to coarse gravel has been described.

The Matangi soil has poor to imperfect drainage, which could be a present feature or past feature.  The drainage appears to be poor due to the presence of low chroma colours (e.g. 10YR 8/2 and 7/2) and mottling that exists in the subsoil.

Matangi Silt Loam: Soil Location

Soil Location:

The Matangi silt loam has formed on silt over sand and gravely alluvial material of the Hinuera Formation. 

This soil has a similar landscape position to the Te Rapa soils, as it occurs on flat to undulating land, and occurs on low mounds and ridges of alluvial material. 

But it also occurs in areas that are topographically low, such as in swales, which along with its drainage, makes it similar to the Te Kowhai soils.

Matangi Silt Loam: Technical Details

Technical Details:

The colours of the subsoil tend to be of the hues 10YR, 7.5YR and 2.5Y, with a range in values of 3 to 8 and chromas of 2 to 6. The colours 10YR 5/4, 6/4, 7/3 and 2.5Y 6/4 tend to be common in the subsoil, with the peaty topsoil being coloured 10YR 2/2 and the humic topsoil having the colours 10YR 2/1, 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2. 

The mottles in the subsoil of the profiles that were described have a range in abundance from few to profuse, that have microfine to coarse sizes. 

The mottle colours are of the hues 10YR, 7.5YR, 5YR and 2.5Y, with the range in the values being 2.5 to 7 and the range in chromas being 2 to 8.

Te Rapa Soils:

Matangi Silt Loam: